Anxiety Disorders

 Anxiety disorders affect more Americans than other types of mental illness. The National Institute on Mental Health reports more than 18% of US. adults suffer from anxiety. Some people also struggle to cope with their symptoms, which often leads to isolation, self-medication, and other troubling behaviors. Learn how the anxiety therapy that the Mind Your Mind Mental Health anxiety clinic offers can help patients begin to live a more fulfilling life. 

Why Finding an Anxiety Doctor Is Important

 Many people experience unfounded fears every day. However, these concerns are part of anxiety, a mental condition that damages work, relationships, and socialization. Anxiety causes physical, mental, and emotional effects, which an anxiety doctor can alleviate. People suffering from anxiety commonly seek ways to soothe themselves and take away their symptoms. Of course, one of the ways many try to cope with anxiety is through alcohol or drug abuse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people with anxiety are two times more likely to suffer substance abuse and addiction than others. If this sounds like you, an anxiety psychiatrist can help. Sadly, self-medication using drugs or alcohol backfires. These substances make the symptoms of anxiety worse. At the same time, more and more substance abuse takes place to simply feel normal in daily functioning. This creates a slippery slope into addiction that an anxiety clinic can prevent. This cycle of self-medication and substance abuse feeding the anxiety feels endless when you find yourself caught up in it. To end the cycle, you need the help of an anxiety psychiatrist that the Mind Your Mind anxiety clinic offers. Otherwise, one condition keeps feeding the other in a never-ending and exhausting pattern of substance abuse and mental illness. 

Types of Anxiety Disorders

 There are many types of anxiety. Some of the most common ones treated by an anxiety doctor include:

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

 Although there are various types of anxiety, many of the signs and symptoms are similar. Common indicators include:

People with anxiety also feel helpless in stopping their fears. They tend to engage in substance abuse or overeat. When a person feels anxious, they are prone to a range of strange reactions. They can feel or do a variety of things in order to cope or deal with their anxious feelings. Anxiety also causes strong physical reactions to non-threatening situations or objects and a wide variety of physical symptoms. Such physical symptoms are not guaranteed and vary from person to person. An anxiety doctor can help with many of these symptoms. Common physical symptoms of anxiety include:

To receive an anxiety disorder diagnosis, then people must experience symptoms of their anxiety almost every day for six months or more. But anyone experiencing ongoing fear needs professional therapy. With the right anxiety therapy, you can learn how to live a more fulfilling life. The Mind Your Mind anxiety clinic can help. 

Anxiety Therapy

 Mind Your Mind Mental Health anxiety psychiatrist offers life-changing coping mechanisms, as well as comprehensive care for all psychiatric disorders. No matter what you’re dealing with, our staff have seen it and also effectively treated it. We can craft a custom treatment plan that works for your anxiety as well as any other disorders  

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